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    What is Safeguarding?

    Safeguarding is about protecting children, young people & vulnerable adults from abuse or neglect.

    Safeguarding at Morthyng

    At Morthyng all staff are trained in how to recognise if a person is being abused or neglected and how to respond.

    Each member of staff undertakes regular safeguarding training and briefing.

    Why is Morthyng better?

    Our Ofsted reports highlight the emphasis we place on effective safeguarding;

    Ofsted inspection report 21st December 2011 “Safeguarding of learners is outstanding and learners feel very safe. A strong culture of care exists and learners and staff have high levels of understanding and awareness of safeguarding issues.”

    Ofsted inspection report 19th November 2014 “A high priority is given to safeguarding and safeguarding arrangements for learners are outstanding; staff take their responsibilities very seriously and learners know how to raise concerns.”


    If you feel that you, or someone else at Morthyng are being bullied, neglected or abused in any way, please speak to our Safeguarding officer by one of the following methods:

    Telephone: 07785468276


    Remember you are not alone; together we can help stop bullying.